Bio-fluid mechanics
I am teaching a course on Bio-fluid mechanics as part of the lecture “Data-integrated Simulation Science A”, Master program Simulation Technology, at the University of Stuttgart where I am a guest lecturer (W21/22, W22/23, WS23/24).
The course integrates physiological background, mathematical modelling, numerical theory, and practical implementation of ideas in Python.
Link to lecture notes (work in progress and are continuously updated and expanded)
A Python script plotting velocity profiles for pulsating flow in a circular tube for different Womersley numbers can be found here. A Python script solving an advection equation in 1D with a finite volume scheme using different numerical flux approximations and flux limiters can be found here. They produce results like this
The DuMux course
DuMux is a C++ simulation framework I develop for (see Software). Together with many people at the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems at the University of Stuttgart, we developed openly accessible course material that can also be used for self-study.
The course material can be found here and is regularly updated to work with the lastest version of DuMux.
The original material was developed in 2018 for the 1st DuMux course, an in-person 3-day workshop with lectures and tons of hands-on exercises. The course was overhauled in 2023 for the 2nd DuMux course, an in-person workshop in similar format. I was one of the main instructors for both courses. The lecture slides are also available online and easily accessible in the browser thanks to the great open-source tools pandoc and reveal.js.
In addition to the course material, DuMux features a set of documented examples from which I designed several.